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► Stream & download ‘Howl The Stars Down’ here: https://thewatch.fanlink.to/HTSD
► ‘The Art Of Bleeding’ Preorder & Bundles: http://www.thewatchmusic.net/shop/
‘HOWL THE STARS DOWN’ is the second single from our new studio album ‘THE ART OF BLEEDING’ which will be released on September 24th.
It’s with great pleasure that we release our second single ‘Howl The Stars Down’, from our next release ‘The Art of Bleeding’. Music is from our good friend and great composer Nick Magnus and lyrics by Richard Foster.The idea of revisiting this beautiful piece of music came up after Nick and Simone live performance in London, some years ago.This is our version, we hope you like it!
For the occasion and for the first time, we also thought about having an animation video, made by Maare Liiv and Marje-Ly Liiv.
We are also willing to perform this song live, so stay tuned and healthy!
Simone Rossetti: vocals, mellotron, synthesizers, flute
Giorgio Gabriel: electric guitars, 6-12 strings acoustic guitars, classical guitar
Marco Fabbri: drums and percussions
Mattia Rossetti: bass guitars, bass pedals, 6-12 electric guitars, vocals
Valerio De Vittorio: keyboards, hammond L122 organ, mellotron, synthesizers
Recorded and mixed at TW Studios Milan, Italy
Mastered by Cristiano Roversi at LaSala1 Studios Mantua, Italy